Reports say there is evidence that Donald Trump's team was part of a breach in Georgia voting. 

Investigators in Georgia are looking into actions by former President Donald Trump as he tried to change the results of the election he lost. New evidence suggests that people close to Trump were involved in breaking into the voting system in 2021, several news sources say.

They have found text messages and emails that directly link Trump's supporters to this breach in the voting system. This shows that the plan to breach the system came from the top, possibly from Trump's campaign, in his attempt to change the results of the 2020 election. CNN reported this.

This evidence goes against the idea that local people who support Trump did the breach without any connection to higher-ups.

Someone named Misty Hampton, who used to work with elections in Coffee County, sent out a message. She falsely said, without proof, that voting machines in the county could change votes to help another candidate, according to  the Guardian.

A lawyer- Katherine Friess, who was connected to Trump's group, shared this message. Rudy Giuliani, who was part of Trump's team, was also connected. People working for Trump hired a company called Sullivan Strickler to find proof of voting fraud in Georgia. They also got this      message, as reported.

In December, when Trump was trying to find support for his claims that the election was not fair, Coffee County was named in plans to take voting machines away. CNN says these were drafts of orders for Trump.

Another local election worker, Cathy Latham, also seemed to help people who supported Trump but were not allowed access to voting systems. The Guardian reported this.

Trump, who already faces three serious charges, including one from the federal government for trying to steal the 2020 election, might face a fourth charge soon.

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