Top 10 Best Universities in the world 2023

Presented by: The Umbrella Times


Columbia University 

Located in Upper Manhattan,  New York City. Established In the last 270 year Its Alumni are:          Theodore Roosevelt         Franklin Roosevelt         Barack Obama         Jake Gyllenhaal         Katie Holme It carries 79 Point


University of  Chicago 

Located in Chicago, Illinois, United States. Its Alumni are 7 noble prize winner It holds 80 Point


Princeton University 

Located in Princeton,  United States  Alumni are:       40 noble laureate       James Madison       Woodrow Wilson It has 81 point


The University of California 

Located in Berkeley, USA This is the only university with an element on the periodic table The Berkelium was first produced in its lab Also, it discovered Californium It holds 82 point Alumni are: 19 Noble Prize  Famous for Political Activism 


California Institute  of Technology

Located in California Blvd, Pasadena, United State Its Alumni are 39 Noble Prize Winners.  It has 83 point


University of Oxford 

Located in Broad St, UK It has 44 college Its Alumni are:      120 Olympic medalist      26 nobel prize winner      26 UK Prime Minister      Bill Clinton      Indira Gandhi  It carries 85 point


University of  Cambridge 

Located in Trinity Lane, United Kingdom 100 libraries with 15 Million book 9 museums and botanical   It has 87 Point


Massachusetts  Institute of Technology

Located in Cambridge, USA  It was founded in 1861 It has largest laboratory in US It holds 90 point


Stanford University 

Located in Stanford, USA  Founded in 1885 and Known as for Entrepreneurs Spirit. Nike, Netflix, HP, Sun Microsystem, Instagram, PayPal, Snapchat and Yahoo has emerged from its classroom. Alumni are:         30 Living Billionaire       17 astronaut       21 noble laureate Holding 91 points


Harvard University

It was founded in 1636 It is known as Worlds Intelligent Centre It has 12 schools, 5 museums and Top class libraries. Alumni are: Alumni are:       45 Nobel Laurate       30 Heads of State       48 Pulitzer Prize      John F, Kennedy      Billgate      George W. Bush      Henry Kissinger      Mark Zuckerberg It has highest 98 Points.